Google Photos turns to AI to organize and categorize your photos for you
Apple Intelligence Will Label AI-Generated Images in Metadata According to Android app expert Assemble Debug, future versions of the Google Photos app could soon be able to read more of the supplementary information apps typically embedded in photos. Known as metadata tags, these short pieces of information contain details about the image, often including details of any software used to create or edit them. Moreover, it’s important to remember that technology alone cannot solve the problem of deepfakes. We must all become more discerning consumers of online content, questioning the source of the information and looking for signs of manipulation. By staying informed about the latest developments in deepfake technology and detection, we can all play a part in combating this threat. FakeCatcher looks for authentic clues in real videos, assessing what makes us human—subtle “blood flow” in the pixels of a video. Apple says that these tools are